Πέμπτη 24 Νοεμβρίου 2011

Στην ημερίδα θα μας μιλήσει ως διακεκριμένος επιστήμων ή ως διακεκριμένος πωλητής;


Nα δούμε ένα απο τους ομιλητές της διαδημοτικής ημερίδας;
Πως μας βλέπει άραγε ο κ. Gregory Claffey; 
Στην ημερίδα θα μας μιλήσει ως διακεκριμένος επιστήμων ή ως διακεκριμένος πωλητής;
Ας δούμε τις τις πληροφορίες που βρήκαμε στο διαδίκτυο, όπου διακρίνεται όχι μόνο για τις γνώσεις του και το πτυχίο του που αναπτύσονται με λίγα λόγια σε μια γραμμή, αλλά διακρίνεται επίσης για την εμπειρία του και τις γνώσεις του στην αγορά, τις  πωλήσεις..... και πάντα σύμφωνα με όσα γράφονται στο διαδίκτυο, είναι πρωτοπόρος στις νέες αγορές,  δημιουργώντας τεράστια αξία για την εταιρεία και τους μετόχους.

M2 Renewables Hires Gregory Claffey as Vice President of Sales ..

Claffey brings sales experience in industrial and municipal wastewater markets

M2 Renewables announced that Greg Claffey has joined the company as vice president of sales. Claffey has more than 13 years experience in selling capital equipment for wastewater treatment, working across all levels of the sales process from inside sales to executive level sales management in both the industrial and municipal wastewater markets.

"Mr. Claffey's knowledge of our market and its stakeholders, his technical expertise and drive are second to none. Greg Claffey will foster existing markets and pioneer new ones, creating tremendous value for our company and our shareholders," said M2 Renewables CEO Gerhard Forstner.

As vice president of sales, Claffey will develop both internal and external sales personnel in addition to handling all functions related to sales, including firm proposal generation, pricing strategies and setting up a top tier manufacturer representative network to help build local relationships with potential customers.

Claffey began his career as a sales engineer at WEDECO and rose to industrial sales manager for engineered products in North America, where he helped increase sales by 500% over eight years. From there, he joined Huber Technology as a regional sales manager and soon was promoted to director of sales in charge of municipal and industrial markets for more than 50 different products within the Huber group. In his four years at Huber, Claffey was heavily involved in building a strong sales force both internally and externally, helping grow sales by 250%. Claffey received his Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from Boston University.

Και η εταιρεία ....

M2 Renewables, Inc. develops and supplies wastewater filtration systems and renewable energy programs. The company specializes in the treatment of domestic wastewater, as well as in the conversion of captured organic solids into usable forms of energy. It offers a process that delivers irrigation-quality reusable water directly from raw sewage using a physical and chemical process. The company’s applications and processes include replacement of existing wastewater treatment plant, modular treatment process additions, solids separators with gasification, sewer mining for reclaim water, pipeline life extension through solids removal, and new planned project development; and solids characteriza...


1 σχόλιο:

  1. http://www.m2renewables.com/
    Η ιστοσελίδα της εταιρείας του παραπάνω αναφερομένου πωλητού,με πολλά ενδιαφέροντα και περίεργα και πάντως Καλλιφόρνια και όχι ευρωπαική ένωση.


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